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End of Summer

It’s hard to believe tomorrow is the last day of August. As we end summer and step into fall, there are so many new memories it brings. Start of school, state fairs, craft shows, leaves changing colors, new friends and most of all family.

End of summer is just the beginning for me. I am moving after a long road of recovery from my hospital stay and months of rehabilitation. I will now have my own place again after months of staying with my mom until I could get back on my feet (I will never be able to thank her enough). We are each other’s rock. It’s going to be hard without having her around 24/7 and yes I begged and pleated for her to just move with me, but she isn’t quite ready for that yet. My boys will be closer to school, closer to their dad and their friends.

I have made so many new friends and what I consider my new work family. It’s always hard to adjust, but seriously guys I couldn’t ask for a better bunch to call my 2nd family. And my boss is a rock star from her family life, work life and being her employees advocate. To my fellow nurses I work with daily for making me feel so welcomed!!

With all the saddness surrounding our works, our country, states and cities. When will our lives just “be normal” again? Whatever that means.

I had an engagement photo session, a corporate photo session and later this month I will be doing my first wedding. So many adventures await and so many more to be had. With my full time job as being a nurse so unstable in this questionable time i feel so lucky when I get to do a hobby I enjoy and keep others memories alive through a lens.

As I move this week I am feeling tired and exhausted yet so excited for the end result. A place to call “home,” a place for my boys to feel they are “home,” and hopefully soon adding on more comfort to others to bring them “home”. Back to normal whatever that is.

Not to mention fall is my favorite season and Halloween is my favorite holiday 👻

love you all and thank you for your continued support of Miranda Mae Habiger Photography

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