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New Year, New Intentions... That happened fast!

Happy 2021 to all my followers and clients.. I had my hands gripped tight as the clock came to 1158pm on New Year's Eve night. Watching the ball drop with my boys at my side hoping to have a better new year than the one we are leaving behind. As midnight came and gone my world keeps spinning. Telling the boys to make wishes in hopes of wealth, health and happiness. Just 5 days after new year's day passed and it seems our country and maybe even world is falling into 2020's footsteps. Where is the change? Where is the happiness that everyone prayed so hard for. COVID restrictions eased a bit, boys can go back to hockey and I can even go watch, COVID now has a vaccine, yet it all falls apart in a blink of an eye. I look at my boys and what they have endured this last year and frankly I am sick of making history this way. So all we can do is keep on keeping on, fill our minds with positivity and growth. I have learnt over the past couple months that you truly need to inspire yourselves. You can not lean on anyone else. You think you are loved, you even think you maybe in people's lives to show them what love is, but in the end you are all you have. You are your own number one. Stand up, get dressed, go on with your day and take that rest and relaxation you need for your self not anyone else. Project your light. They will follow (eventually) and if not that is ok. Because you have the beauty, success and heart for all to love and they will.

Prosperously yours,


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